Our Adventure Continues is a webcomic following the adventures of Harold and Steeven, as they try to find their way through life. You can expect pretty much anything. Talking horses, angry mall santas, single parent vikings, yogurt hate crimes, vigilante leprechauns, and much, much more.

Let's introduce you to our heroes:

Harold is the artist.

He’s angry, impatient, and hates the smell of yogurt.

Steeven is the writer.

He’s happy, a little dim, and loves bacon.

Together the two struggle to find their place in the world, but usually wind up just getting in each other’s way.

So join us each week and see westerns, zombies, men dressed as piƱatas, super heroes, cell phone justice, aliens and rabid ninja zombie wildebeasts.

Stick with us as Our Adventure Continues. You'll be glad you did.