Steeven has nothing to say today, so I'll step up and do his job for him.

I think we all have a bit of "Gene the Horse" in us. Feeling like were were meant for something more. And I think we all have a "Paul the Horse" in our lives, who tries to tell us we aren't meant for much more than the role society has already placed us in.

I think "Paul the Horse" needs to follow a vocation involving glue.

I see great things for Gene, such as winning a derby, or running free in the great plains of some part of the country that has great plains. Don't let your friends/relatives/coworkers tell you what you should do, or what you were meant to do. More importantly, don't let them tell you what you love. Only you can decide that. Everybody has a special talent inside that needs to find it's way out and be expressed.

Steeven included, although we're still working out just what that might be. Until then I'll let him randomly jab at his keyboard.

I feel as if I should respond to what Harold has said about me, but for the life of me I can't think of anything to say.

Speaking of randomly jabbing at my keyboard, head on over to my site and check out The Bears, the Beast, and the Blonde, a novella that I'm posting one chapter at a time.

I've got eight chapters up at the moment, and more to come, so take a moment to give it a good read. I hope to publish it as a real live book someday ... Harold's already said he'd do the cover, but then he mumbled something about how I can't afford him, which I'm sure is quite true.

Anyway, you can start right here with the prelude to The Bears, the Beast, and the Blonde.

Join us on Thursday for What's a Horse To Do - Part Two

Okay, now I feel bad.

I dearly love Steeven's writing, and if you want to read the best thing he's ever written (in my opinion), PLEASE do yourself a favor and read "The Bears, the Beast, and the Blonde". My wife read some of it, and thought she was reading a published author before I told he it was Steeven's.

This story needs to be published and on store shelves. I don't normally get all worked up over pushing other people's work, but this story is REALLY that good.


  1. Wow, Harold's insight into the comic really pulls it together. Now I'm curious to see what happens to Paul & Gene.

    P.S. - 2013/05/33 ?

  2. Thanks sir :)

    The "33" is for which strip number we're on, not the date :)
